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About House of Caregivers

Nurse with Patient
Our Mission


We are dedicated to identifying and meeting your home care needs and our employees’ with excellence, compassion, and integrity.

Providing Support With Compassion and Building Strong Relationships


House of Caregivers is a private duty in-home senior care agency serving clients in Columbia, Missouri. We provide assistance for almost every activity of daily living.


In-Home Senior Care Is Important to Us 


Most of our employees have or have had loved ones in need of care. That’s why in-home senior care is very important for us. 


It is our work and passion to help improve the lives of the elderly. Hence, our employees at House of Caregivers are specially trained to provide custom-care services that meet and exceed your expectations. 


We believe our caregivers and the services we provide can help your loved ones maintain independence, within the comfort of your homes.


Privacy Policy: We value your privacy. House of Caregivers collects and uses personal data to improve our services and provide a better experience. We do not sell your information. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
House of Caregivers​

Business Hours 

Monday to Friday

8 AM to 5 PM, On Call After 5:00 PM




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© 2023 House of Caregivers, In-Home Senior Care by BLJ Home Care

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Privacy Policy: We value your privacy. House of Caregivers collects and uses personal data to improve our services and provide a better experience. We do not sell your information. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy.
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